Build Your Home Theater Bundle Deal


Please click on the box below to choose
your projector to be included in the bundle deal.
If you already have one, you can skip this step. (Optional)


Please click on the box below to choose
your motorized cabinet to be included in
the bundle deal. If you do not
need a cabinet for the moment,
you can skip this step. (Optional)


Please click on the box below to choose the matching screen
for your projector. If you also need a cabinet for your bundle
deal, you can only choose the motorized floor rising screen.

Customise your home theater package, bundle a screen with optional projectors, cabinets OR accessories.

Please click on the 2nd boxes below to choose your screen, then you can click on other boxed to include a projector, a motorized cabinet or accessory to be included in your bundle package. BUNDLE WITH SCREEN option must include a screen in your bundle. Other items are optional.

Build Your Home Theater Bundle & Save

USD $0.00USD $31,914.95

Customise your home theater package, bundle a projector with a motorized cabinet. Screen and accessories are optional.

Please click on the boxes below to choose your projector amd a motorized cabinet to be included in your bundle deal. PROJECTOR + CABINET BUNDLE option must include a projector and a cabinet in your bundle package. Other items are optional.

Build Your Home Theater Bundle & Save – Projector+Cabinet

USD $1,303.25USD $31,914.95

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